Deeply rooted. Individually nurtured. Inspired to flourish.


Friends of Morchard Bishop School (FOMBS) is affiliated with Parentkind and was previously known as the PTA.

What we do
Our primary purpose is to advance the education of pupils in the school.  We do this by providing closer links between home and school bringing staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

Over the years the association has also raised funds which have been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities.

In the last academic year this included: Purchasing iPads, Paying for school National Trust membership,  Paying for each child to attend a theatre trip, Paying the Cahoots library subscription.

However, we are about much more than simply fundraising and we ensure that we have fun along the way too - just ask any of the committee members or helpers!

Who can be a member?
Any parents, guardians or carers of pupils attending the school are automatically members of the association. However, we are also happy to accept members of the wider community who wish to help with our aims to benefit the school.

How you can get involved?
There are lots of ways you can help and support your school. Volunteering to help at events, baking cakes, or providing the odd raffle prize are all really valuable ways to support FOMBS. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis. Every little helps!

If you would like to be more involved, you can become a committee member. Or you can simply support the AGM and give us your ideas for fundraising events. This is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion.

Please come and have a chat to me or email me at: if you want to find out about upcoming events, committee meetings or becoming more involved.  Or contact the school office: 01363 877328.

PTA Officers

Chairperson - Mrs Gemma Yendell
Secretary - Mrs Andrea Routledge

Treasurer -  Mrs Sadie Bullock
Upcoming Events